Monday, May 19, 2008

First Tooth!

This morning started out like any other. Evan played on his playmat white I tried to get just 5 more minutes of sleep before getting ready for work. He was insistent on chewing my finger like always. But this morning, I felt something different, something tiny and sharp! Turns out that it was the corner of his first tooth! It is the bottom right, for those who care to know such details. Of course, after I realized what was going on, he would not let me inspect his mouth any further!

Unfortunately, he had a rough morning at the sitter's and was pretty difficult to deal with till after his afternoon nap. His afternoon was decent and then he got fussy again after getting home. I had suggested to Robert that he give Evan one of the teething biscuits that I had made once they got home. He later told me that he offered Evan one and Evan threw it! Twice! So that wasn't the answer tonight.

He is sleeping peacefully now and hopefully will for the rest of the night. Soon, the tooth fairy will visit again and bring him another pearly white!


Becks and Lee said...

Yay for the first tooth! Ezra feels your pain Evan! He is currently working on his two year molars. Two at a time. That is how this boy likes to get teeth! And perhaps you will be breaking through a few more soon! Hope you don't have too much pain! Poor little guy! Have Mom give you big hugs and kisses from us! We love you all!

the Roths said...

Happy Birthday Sara! Hope you're doing well and that you get to do something special with your boys today. Thinking about you from the other side of the world... Jeana