Friday, December 28, 2007
Look Ma! Toes!!
Evan has discovered his toes and oh, the wonder!! Whenever the opportunity presents itself, he lifts his legs and grabs his toes. Usually this happens on the changing table and makes diaper changing a challenge. He will even grab the feet of his pajamas in an attempt to get to the toes! So much wiggly fun!! Here's a picture and a video clip - I attempted to email the clip, but it is too large to attach.

Christmas 2007
We had a wonderful first Christmas with Evan. Of course, Evan didn't know what was happening, but he enjoyed seeing all of the people. He is now enjoying playing with his new toys! He's having more fun now that he can hold objects better and get them to his mouth to taste and chew. I'll let the pictures say the rest! Hope that you all had wonderful holidays!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Learn-A-Word Wednesday: yuletide
n. the Christmas season
n. period extending from December 24 to January 6
Origin: 1425-75, late Middle English
Okay, so all of that was already obvious. But what the heck is a yule? And what does it have to do with tides?
According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, there is more to yuletide that meets the eye.
n. a season or period in the course of the year, day, etc (now used chiefly in combination)
i.e. eventide, wintertide
So there it is. When you sing about "yuletide carols being sung by a choir," you will know what you're singing about!
n. the Christmas season
n. period extending from December 24 to January 6
Origin: 1425-75, late Middle English
Okay, so all of that was already obvious. But what the heck is a yule? And what does it have to do with tides?
According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, there is more to yuletide that meets the eye.
[Yule] was the Anglo-Saxons' name for a two-month midwinter season corresponding to Roman December and January, a time of important feasts but not itself a festival. After conversion to Christianity it narrowed to mean "the 12-day feast of the Nativity" (which begins Dec. 25), but was replaced by Christmas by the 11th century, except in the northeast (areas of Danish settlement), where it remained the usual word. Revived in the 19th century by writers to mean "the Christmas of 'Merrie England.'"
Now for the other half of yuletide.
-tiden. a season or period in the course of the year, day, etc (now used chiefly in combination)
i.e. eventide, wintertide
So there it is. When you sing about "yuletide carols being sung by a choir," you will know what you're singing about!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
4 Months Old!
Evan turned 4 months old on Monday! So hard to believe!!
He had his well-baby check-up yesterday complete with 4 more vaccinations. Yuk! He is now 25 3/4 inches long and 17 lbs 10 ounces. Quite a big boy.
I would post a picture, but my camera is currently on hiatus to Dover, NJ for repair under warranty (long story, I'm not too thrilled to relay, but if you really want to know, ask).
Evan also has eczema. For the past month or so I have been slathering him in Eucerin lotion twice a day and he was still turning into something akin to a lizard. Then, more recently, he has taken to aggressively rubbing and sometimes scratching his forehead during the night. I wouldn't see the damage until the next morning as I don't turn on any lights for night feedings. But there he would be in the morning a bloody, scratched up mess. The doctor came into the room and the first thing she said when she saw him was, "He has eczema." So now Evan uses a steroidal lotion three times a day and already on day 2 it has made a huge improvement on his face. He also seems to be relieved of the itching (good for baby) so he will be able to sleep better and wake up less frequently (good for mom). Once my camera has returned from the nether-regions known as Joisy, I'll post some new photos!
He had his well-baby check-up yesterday complete with 4 more vaccinations. Yuk! He is now 25 3/4 inches long and 17 lbs 10 ounces. Quite a big boy.
I would post a picture, but my camera is currently on hiatus to Dover, NJ for repair under warranty (long story, I'm not too thrilled to relay, but if you really want to know, ask).
Evan also has eczema. For the past month or so I have been slathering him in Eucerin lotion twice a day and he was still turning into something akin to a lizard. Then, more recently, he has taken to aggressively rubbing and sometimes scratching his forehead during the night. I wouldn't see the damage until the next morning as I don't turn on any lights for night feedings. But there he would be in the morning a bloody, scratched up mess. The doctor came into the room and the first thing she said when she saw him was, "He has eczema." So now Evan uses a steroidal lotion three times a day and already on day 2 it has made a huge improvement on his face. He also seems to be relieved of the itching (good for baby) so he will be able to sleep better and wake up less frequently (good for mom). Once my camera has returned from the nether-regions known as Joisy, I'll post some new photos!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Hams for Hanukkah or Why I'm Using Eid Postage Stamps On My Christmas Cards
This begins with a story about a conversation Evan and I overheard at the post office last week. We were waiting in line behind an elderly lady to mail our most recent mooched book to Israel. The conversation went something like this:
Elderly Lady: What are E-I-D stamps?
E-I-D stamps? A quick look at the poster by the window told me that they were holiday stamps.
Postal Employee: Oh, those. They're for the Muslim Christmas. whispered tone It's really such a shame, but we have to carry them. I don't know that anyone buys them.
Elderly Lady: Oh. How do the Priority Mail envelopes work?
She was full of questions.
I could not believe what I was overhearing from the mouth of my local Federal employee! Such misinformation and intolerance. If I had had the money that day, I would have purchased 3 books of Eid stamps just to make a point.
So why am I using Eid stamps even though I'm not Muslim? Let me count the reasons why...
1. The same constitutional amendment protects my right to go to a Christian church, read my Bible and pray to God that protects a Muslim's right to go to Mosque, read the Quran and pray to Allah.
2. Intolerance and prejudice never won anyone's hearts or minds.
3. A Muslim friend and co-worker of mine has a greater dedication to his faith than I do to mine at times. He puts me to shame when I claim in my heart that I am worshipping the true God, but can't find time to pray or read my Bible.
4. The Eid stamps are prettier than the Christmas stamps this year. I mean, really, whose idea was it to make "Christmas Knits" into stamps?
For more information on the Eid festivals check out this link. For more infomation on Hams for Hanukkah, click here.
Elderly Lady: What are E-I-D stamps?
E-I-D stamps? A quick look at the poster by the window told me that they were holiday stamps.
Postal Employee: Oh, those. They're for the Muslim Christmas. whispered tone It's really such a shame, but we have to carry them. I don't know that anyone buys them.
Elderly Lady: Oh. How do the Priority Mail envelopes work?
She was full of questions.
I could not believe what I was overhearing from the mouth of my local Federal employee! Such misinformation and intolerance. If I had had the money that day, I would have purchased 3 books of Eid stamps just to make a point.
So why am I using Eid stamps even though I'm not Muslim? Let me count the reasons why...
1. The same constitutional amendment protects my right to go to a Christian church, read my Bible and pray to God that protects a Muslim's right to go to Mosque, read the Quran and pray to Allah.
2. Intolerance and prejudice never won anyone's hearts or minds.
3. A Muslim friend and co-worker of mine has a greater dedication to his faith than I do to mine at times. He puts me to shame when I claim in my heart that I am worshipping the true God, but can't find time to pray or read my Bible.
4. The Eid stamps are prettier than the Christmas stamps this year. I mean, really, whose idea was it to make "Christmas Knits" into stamps?
For more information on the Eid festivals check out this link. For more infomation on Hams for Hanukkah, click here.

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Savoring Every Moment
I have been thinking a lot since Evan has been born about how I view time. I had a habit for most of my life of "wishing time away." What I mean by that is I would always be looking to the next event rather than focusing on the present. When I was 9 I wanted to be 10, when I was 12 I wanted to be 13, when I was in high school I wanted to be in college, when I was in college I wanted to be in a real job, when I was dating I wanted to be married, etc.
I think you get the point.
I was never satisfied with my life as it currently was. When I reached 29, I began to see that I wasn't going to make all of those "some days" happen. I was not able to keep reaching for everything that I didn't have without missing out on what I had already been blessed with.
The potential for whiling time away grew exponentially with Evan's birth. Not only could I wish away my own life, I could also wish away the life of my child. If only he could talk, walk, use the bathroom on his own, bath himself, drive.
I could wake up one day and not only have missed out on my entire life, but also on the life of my family.
Now I hardly like to think much past today and definitely not past this week. It scares me how fast time has already gone in my life and in Evan's short life thus far. I don't want to miss a single precious moment wishing for "some day". I don't want to miss a single opportunity to teach Evan, to comfort him when he's upset, to snuggle him and love him. I don't want to miss a single "first time" or sweet smile.
I don't want to miss my life.
I think you get the point.
I was never satisfied with my life as it currently was. When I reached 29, I began to see that I wasn't going to make all of those "some days" happen. I was not able to keep reaching for everything that I didn't have without missing out on what I had already been blessed with.
The potential for whiling time away grew exponentially with Evan's birth. Not only could I wish away my own life, I could also wish away the life of my child. If only he could talk, walk, use the bathroom on his own, bath himself, drive.
I could wake up one day and not only have missed out on my entire life, but also on the life of my family.
Now I hardly like to think much past today and definitely not past this week. It scares me how fast time has already gone in my life and in Evan's short life thus far. I don't want to miss a single precious moment wishing for "some day". I don't want to miss a single opportunity to teach Evan, to comfort him when he's upset, to snuggle him and love him. I don't want to miss a single "first time" or sweet smile.
I don't want to miss my life.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Learn-A-Word Wednesday: zoetrope
An optical toy, in which figures made to revolve on the inside of a cylinder, and viewed through slits in its circumference, appear like a single figure passing through a series of natural motions as if animated or mechanically moved.
I had never heard of these before and they sounded interesting. Wikipedia has a fairly brief, yet informative article about their history. You can even learn to make your own at www.show.me.uk.com. I may try that out some cold weekend this winter!
An optical toy, in which figures made to revolve on the inside of a cylinder, and viewed through slits in its circumference, appear like a single figure passing through a series of natural motions as if animated or mechanically moved.
I had never heard of these before and they sounded interesting. Wikipedia has a fairly brief, yet informative article about their history. You can even learn to make your own at www.show.me.uk.com. I may try that out some cold weekend this winter!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Learn-A-Word Wednesday: lepidopteran
1: any of a large order (Lepidoptera) of insects comprising of butterflies, moths, and skippers that as adults have four broad or lanceolated wings usually covered with minute overlapping and often brightly covered scales and that as larvae are caterpillars.
Hmm...that whole "minute overlapping and brightly covered scales" thing explains a lot about the "powder" that came off of butterfly wings when I would "pet" them as a child. Of course, the butterflies were already dead, usually the unwitting victims of the minivan's grill.

This lovely blue morpho speciman is available for $8.50 from Ianni Butterfly Enterprises. It originates in Paraguay. One of my favorite species...
1: any of a large order (Lepidoptera) of insects comprising of butterflies, moths, and skippers that as adults have four broad or lanceolated wings usually covered with minute overlapping and often brightly covered scales and that as larvae are caterpillars.
Hmm...that whole "minute overlapping and brightly covered scales" thing explains a lot about the "powder" that came off of butterfly wings when I would "pet" them as a child. Of course, the butterflies were already dead, usually the unwitting victims of the minivan's grill.

This lovely blue morpho speciman is available for $8.50 from Ianni Butterfly Enterprises. It originates in Paraguay. One of my favorite species...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
What Are You Thankful For?
God has blessed us greatly this year. There is so much to be thankful for! My "short list" of thanksgivings:
Robert completing school and finding a good job
The birth of our son, Evan
Our good marriage
I hope that you took some time yesterday to reflect on what you are thankful for. It puts everything into better perspective when I think about all of the blessings we have living in this country at this time in history.
We spent the holiday with Robert's extended family. There were grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. So many people to be thankful for! So many people for Evan to meet as well. We were both pooped out by the afternoon. He from not sleeping enough the day before and me from too much turkey (is it possible to have too much turkey)? As you can see in the picture we had a nice catnap along side Grandpa Vincent. (Thanks to cousin Tracy and her "candid camera"!)

Robert completing school and finding a good job
The birth of our son, Evan
Our good marriage
I hope that you took some time yesterday to reflect on what you are thankful for. It puts everything into better perspective when I think about all of the blessings we have living in this country at this time in history.
We spent the holiday with Robert's extended family. There were grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. So many people to be thankful for! So many people for Evan to meet as well. We were both pooped out by the afternoon. He from not sleeping enough the day before and me from too much turkey (is it possible to have too much turkey)? As you can see in the picture we had a nice catnap along side Grandpa Vincent. (Thanks to cousin Tracy and her "candid camera"!)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Learn-A-Word Wednesday: perfidy
1: the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal: treachery
2: an act or an instance of disloyalty
This word dates back to 1592.
Well, Evan and I have not yet made it to the thrift stores to purchase our mega dictionary. However, I remembered a word from a book that we are reading together, The Tale of Despereaux. Actually its entry here is based on the recommendation of the book's author:
"At least Lester had the decency to weep at his act of perfidy. Reader, do you know what 'perfidy' means? I have a feeling you do, based on the little scene that has just unfolded here. But you should look up the word in your dictionary, just to be sure."
I am ashamed to say that I did not know what perfidy meant. Now I know and I will make sure to update Evan as well since I don't think that he knew what it meant either!
1: the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal: treachery
2: an act or an instance of disloyalty
This word dates back to 1592.
Well, Evan and I have not yet made it to the thrift stores to purchase our mega dictionary. However, I remembered a word from a book that we are reading together, The Tale of Despereaux. Actually its entry here is based on the recommendation of the book's author:
"At least Lester had the decency to weep at his act of perfidy. Reader, do you know what 'perfidy' means? I have a feeling you do, based on the little scene that has just unfolded here. But you should look up the word in your dictionary, just to be sure."
I am ashamed to say that I did not know what perfidy meant. Now I know and I will make sure to update Evan as well since I don't think that he knew what it meant either!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Learn-A-Word Wednesday: tautology
1 a: needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word b: an instance of tautology
2: a tautologous statement
This word comes from Late Latin tautologia and Greek tautologos.
Welcome to the latest feature of "The Cheese Stands Alone" where we seek not only to entertain, but also to inform. Drawing on inspiration from a fellow blogger we will explore a new word each Wednesday. I have found, however, that I need a better (larger, more varied) dictionary. For me there is fun in just picking words at random, but when the dictionary is too basic, there aren't many words you readers would not already know.
Where would the fun be in that?
So, before the next installment of Learn-A-Word Wednesday, Evan and I will head to our local Salvation Army and Goodwill in search of a real dictionary. One that weighs at least three pounds! Much better for the random selection of words!!
1 a: needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word b: an instance of tautology
2: a tautologous statement
This word comes from Late Latin tautologia and Greek tautologos.
Welcome to the latest feature of "The Cheese Stands Alone" where we seek not only to entertain, but also to inform. Drawing on inspiration from a fellow blogger we will explore a new word each Wednesday. I have found, however, that I need a better (larger, more varied) dictionary. For me there is fun in just picking words at random, but when the dictionary is too basic, there aren't many words you readers would not already know.
Where would the fun be in that?
So, before the next installment of Learn-A-Word Wednesday, Evan and I will head to our local Salvation Army and Goodwill in search of a real dictionary. One that weighs at least three pounds! Much better for the random selection of words!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
3 Months Old
While I'm posting, I'll add Evan's 3 month update. I'm only 2 days late on this - see I'm getting better, catching up!
Evan is growing big and is stronger every day. He is getting good with head control so he likes to sit up either in the boppy cushion or the bouncy seat. He has discovered his hands and stares at them on occasion. They are also good for sucking and are getting better and grabbing dangly toys and Mama's hair!!
He is still smiling like crazy, but no audible laughs, yet. Though it does seem like that will be soon, too! This morning he was holding his nose with his index finger and thumb. I'm not sure why and he wouldn't tell. When I asked him what he was doing he just gave me an ornery smile behind his hand!! If I can, I'll try to get a picture of this, it's great!

Smiling for Grandma Bryan!

Sitting in the rocking chair like a big boy!
Evan is growing big and is stronger every day. He is getting good with head control so he likes to sit up either in the boppy cushion or the bouncy seat. He has discovered his hands and stares at them on occasion. They are also good for sucking and are getting better and grabbing dangly toys and Mama's hair!!
He is still smiling like crazy, but no audible laughs, yet. Though it does seem like that will be soon, too! This morning he was holding his nose with his index finger and thumb. I'm not sure why and he wouldn't tell. When I asked him what he was doing he just gave me an ornery smile behind his hand!! If I can, I'll try to get a picture of this, it's great!

Smiling for Grandma Bryan!

Sitting in the rocking chair like a big boy!
Happy Halloween!
Okay, okay, I know it's actually Veteran's Day and that I'm nearly two weeks late getting these pics up! Cut a new mama some slack!!
Here are some photos of Evan in his Halloween outfit. In case you can't see it in the pics, his shirt says "Daddy's Little Monster." He didn't do any "official" trick-or-treating this year, but we did visit a few neighbors. He received some candy, which I assured our neighbors he would eventually eat in the form of breast milk!! He was also given some spider rings that the cats have now claimed as theirs!

Me and Evan

Daddy and Evan
Here are some photos of Evan in his Halloween outfit. In case you can't see it in the pics, his shirt says "Daddy's Little Monster." He didn't do any "official" trick-or-treating this year, but we did visit a few neighbors. He received some candy, which I assured our neighbors he would eventually eat in the form of breast milk!! He was also given some spider rings that the cats have now claimed as theirs!

Me and Evan

Daddy and Evan
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Celebrity Cribs

Okay, so maybe not celebrity cribs, but definately a crib! Evan and I embarked on our first mother/son project this week when we assembled his crib! I told him that this is the first of many "big boy" beds he will get to sleep in. We will begin the transition from bassinet to crib in a couple of weeks. First he needs to get adjusted to me going back to work two days a week. One change at a time...

Just another moocher!
I was out surfing the 'net a few nights ago and had a cool website recommended to me! It is called BookMooch. How it works is that members list books that they want to give away and then gain points for sending them to others. With your points you can request books from other members. The only cost is the shipping to send out books. I'm psyched! I've got my inventory listed and have requested my first couple of books. Now I'm just waiting for others to request my books! It's free! It's fun! You should check it out. Go ahead. Being a mooch isn't always a bad thing :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
2 Months Old!
Evan is 2 months old today! We took pictures this morning as his well-baby check-up this afternoon came complete with 4 shots! Owwiee!! Evan weighed in at 14 lbs 4 oz, 23 1/2 inches long! He has gained 3 lbs 1 oz and 2 inches is the past month! Tonight our big boy is sleepy and somewhat fussy from the shots - very sad, but he should be back to normal soon :) Enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Evan's Infant Dedication

Evan had his Infant Dedication at church this past Sunday. It was a nice ceremony and Evan even had a fancy outfit for the occassion! Evan was fussy during the ceremony and screamed when Pastor Mark placed his hand on his head to pray the Shield of St. Patrick! We had lots of family in attendance: Grandma and Grandpa Emery, Grandma and Grandpa Bryan, Great-Grandma Jones, Aunt Michelle and cousins Grace and Eva! After church we had dinner and visited at our house.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Silly Mommy!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Six Weeks Old!
Monday, September 10, 2007
One Month Check-up
Evan had his one month check up today. He is now 21 1/2 inches long and 11 lbs 3 oz!! I couldn't believe how much weight he had gained. I guess that I don't need to worry much about him spitting up some since he seems to be keeping plenty down! Evan also got his 2nd Hepatitis B shot which he was not happy about. He has some thrush (a common yeast infection) on his tongue, so he will be taking nystatin 4 times a day and I will be putting nystatin cream on three times a day after feedings. Overall, the doctor says he looks great and to keep up the good work!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Welcome to Our World!

After a "dead in the water" blog started 2 years ago and a fairly up-to-date MySpace account, I have decided to renew our blogspot blog. This way anyone can view what we are up to without having to join MySpace (and I can show off pics at work since sites like MySpace are blocked)!
We have a new member in our family! Our latest encounters have been of the newborn variety! Evan Glenn Emery was born August 10th at 1:31 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.
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