On Sunday, Evan didn't seem well and felt kind of warm to me. So, following the mama instinct, I took his temperature (the accurate way, which he tolerated quite well). Good thing that I did, the poor baby had a fever of 103! I was a little freaked, but considered the facts that he was nursing well, wasn't overly congested and wasn't having difficulty breathing, I decided to treat at home and not run to the e.r. Some Motrin followed a few hours later by some Tylenol and his temp was down to 99.6 by bedtime.
Monday had to be a sick day for me as Evan's sitter doesn't take kids that have had a fever in the past 24 hours. I wholly agree with that policy. Evan had a temp most of the day around 100 anyway. He was only happy if he could lay in Mama's big bed and nurse and sleep, which he did most of the day. Thankfully he was agreeable to also do this on the futon so I could watch Oprah and the 5 o'clock news and not go completely crazy!
Tuesday was better. No fever and he went to the doctor for his 6 month check-up. He received his shots as well. By the way, he is now 26 and 3/4 inches long and 19 lbs 2 oz. I told the doctor about the fevers and she confirmed that he likely had a virus and she saw inflammation in his left ear. She told me to give her a call if the fever came back and she would call in a script for antibiotics. No fever before bed last night.
This morning I got up and got showered for work. I could hear Evan fussing in his crib so I got dressed and went to get him ready for the day. I put him on the changing table to dress him and he totally freaked out! He is usually the happiest first thing in the morning. Okay, I thought, he's probably just really hungry. I nursed him, but when I put him back on the changing table he started screaming again. Today his temp was102.2. So we made calls to the doctor, the sitter and my work, then I took Evan to sleep in the big bed.
Our only outing today has been to the Shop N Save to get Evan's amoxicillan and to the
Starbuck's to get me a skinny sugar-free latte. What a day to start South Beach again! How long till my
Laughing Cow cheese wedge and celery? Hopefully Evan will be feeling better tomorrow and we can go walk the track at the Y. For now, I'll close as my right hand is tired from typing and my left arm has fallen asleep from holding Evan! Why did I have to make this such a long post?!